Cold IPA


# OG, P OG, sg FG, P FG, sg ABV, % IBU SRM


13.5 1.055 1.6 1.006 6.4 50 Straw (2-3)


16.0 1.065 2.4 1.009 7.9 70 Yellow (3-4)

Color: Straw to pale

Clarity: Filtered. Appearance should be absolutely clear, no haze allow

Taste: Malt sweetness is very low to low. Alcohol sweetness is medium. Absolutely dry finish. Finish should exhibit low to medium-low body with a clean, crisp malt character evident at low levels

Aroma: High floral, fruity, sulfur, piney - all notes from American-variety hops

Bitterness: Medium to high, no harsh

Fermentation: Fruity esters and complex alcohol aromas and flavors should be at low level. Diacetyl should not be presented


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Cold IPA style commercial beer
Cold IPA style brew recipes
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