Autumn Seasonal Beer (Basic recipe)


Recipe Impression

Autumn Seasonal Beers are beers that suggest cool weather and the autumn harvest season, and may include pumpkins, gourds, or other squashes, and associated spices.

A malty, spiced beer that often has a moderately rich body and slightly warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cool fall season, and often evocative of harvest or Thanksgiving traditions.

Related Style: Autumn Seasonal Beer

Batch size: 0 L // Brew method: All Grain // Recipe complex rating: Beginner

Target Statistics
OG, P OG, sg FG, P FG, sg ABV, % IBU SRM
11.8 1.0475 2.0 1.0078 5.3 24 Deep amber/light copper (10-14)
Grain % in bulk Size, kg
Pale Ale 83.8
Caramel 120L 13.9
Hops α, % Size, g AAU Add Boil, min
Continental Aroma Hops 5.2 Start 60
Extras Size, g
Pumpkin (fresh)
Yeasts Packs
American Ales yeasts 1

Recipe description

Last updated on

April 25, 2024, 4:20 p.m.


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