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American Ales yeasts group



Examples and substitutes:
Name Lab Country Type
American Ale BVG04 BeerVingem Russian Federation Dry yeasts
American Ale FM52 Fermentum Mobile Poland Liquid yeasts
California Ale yeast WLP001 White Labs United States Liquid yeasts
ECY10 Old Newark Ale East Coast Yeast United States Liquid yeasts
East Coast Ale WLP008 White Labs United States Liquid yeasts
Five CrossMyLoof United Kingdom Dry yeasts
Hop Support Y1002 Дрожжевая лаборатория Russian Federation Liquid yeasts
Kentucky CrossMyLoof United Kingdom Dry yeasts
Northwest Ale - Wyeast 1332 Wyeast United States Liquid yeasts
Own mug А29 ТМ Своя Кружка Russian Federation Dry yeasts
ROGUE Pacman Yeast 1764 Wyeast United States Liquid yeasts
Safale S-05 Fermentis France Dry yeasts
San Diego Super Yeast WLP090 White Labs United States Liquid yeasts
Stars and Stripes Y1017 Дрожжевая лаборатория Russian Federation Liquid yeasts
Start-1272 АПК Биотехнологии Russian Federation Liquid yeasts
US Pale Ale CrossMyLoof United Kingdom Dry yeasts
US Pale Ale CrossMyLoof United Kingdom Dry yeasts
Beer Recipes with American Ales yeasts:
Autumn Seasonal Beer (Basic recipe)
American Stout (Basic recipe)
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