Home > Ingredients > Brewing Hops > American Aroma Hops


United Kingdom / Pellet Hops / 8.0%


Developed by Charles Faram & Co Ltd in the UK, proprietary hop Jester® brings with it distinct flavors and aroma qualities quite different to that of tradition English hop varieties. These unique characteristics include forward and robust notes of tropical fruits, grapefruit and blackcurrant and even hints of Lychee. It is considered most useful as a mid to late addition but is also fantastic to dry hop with. Though not considered a particularly useful bittering hop, when used in this regard it imparts a mild, herbal resonance. Considered “New-World” in style, Jester® has been likened more to wild fruit-centric US varieties and was initially bred with the emulation of US hops Cascade, Centennial and Columbus in mind. Best for IPA

Jester substitution list

Last updated on Sept. 18, 2023, 9:50 p.m.

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