A gold-colored German lager with a smooth, malty flavor and a soft, dry finish. Subtle spicy, floral, or herbal hops and restrained bitterness help keep the balance malty but not sweet, which helps make this beer a refreshing, everyday drink.
Munich Helles should by Malty but not Sweet.
The goal is to follow the style guidance - focus on Continental Pilsner Malt, noble German Aroma hops, e.g., Hallertau family, German-style lager yeasts, and clean and cold fermentation process. Without these key elements you will not get the Munich-like lager beer.
Do not use Caramel malt since it is not a part of this style.
Стиль Пива: Münchner Helles
Chargengröße 19 L // Brühmethode Alles Getreide // Сложность рецепта Эксперт
НП, Р | НП, sg | КП, Р | КП, sg | Алк | Bittere | Farbe, SRM |
12.0 | 1.048 | 2.8 | 1.011 | 5.0 | 14 | Gelb (3-4) |
Зерновой | % в насыпи | Размер, кг |
Pils Malz | 91,0 | 4,38 |
Münchner Malz | 7,0 | 0,40 |
Biscuit 25L | 2,0 | 0,11 |
Hopfen | α, % | Размер, г | AAU | Add | Кипячение, мин |
Немецкий Ароматный Хмель | 4,0 | 31 | 4 | в начале | 60 |
Würzekochen | Размер, г |
- | |
Hefe | Пачек |
German Lagers yeasts | 2 |
From the Biscuit 25L group the best choice will be Melanoidin Malt
Single rest at 66 C for 60 min, add all hops from the beginning of the boil
Use sufficient amount of Lager yeast (rehydrated in advance or o proper starter)
Ferment at 10C
Cold age the beer at least for 4 weeks and allow it lagering well before bottling or drinking
Carbonate from 2.0 to 2.5 volumes of CO2
1. Juni 2023 16:34
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